Saturday, October 24, 2009


today there are created a fade and fake interrelation between love and jihad. wat is the reality behind it? if there any iota of trth? or it is manufactured one?
the attack on islam is not a new phenomena in history. if it is in well populated muslim area it will be very well. that is occuring nowdays in india, especially in kerala. The enemies are jelous in suddon growth of islam everywhere. It is not by the intrigus and hidden agenda of muslim community. but, the peace seekers are coming accross with the islam as a real path of life. so they are turning the flow of thoughts towards the islam.
Now, the uprising commotons and fallouts are creation of some hidden agendas, put forward by a few brand team. Actually, by these smoke they are intenting to sell their commodities emong all participants. And more of the time they are getting victory in the attempts.
The last one wich we have witnessed in this series is LOVE JIHAD. Certainly, it is a new creation to pull the attention of all people toward muslim community and block them in their flow of progress.
The history proves that the real followers of such like this notion are one who had bad setback in the last election. Now when all of discussions are in vein and irrelevent , they are creating new problems and stigmetizing on muslim organizations. Definitely, it is unbearable one.

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